About 22miles

Our Solution lets the customers check all the items on the menu, select the once they like, and order with a single touch. When you present tantalizingly alluring images of your dishes, your guests urge to have more dishes and so does the order amount. The eventual result is higher revenues. It also allows guests to request for various services without needing to call out. Be it calling the steward or requesting service like water, spoon or napkin. It can all be done via foodipto.

As your guests browse through the available options of dishes, Foodipto provides them various suggestions based on the guests’ other selections. This is a simple way of earning additional revenue. Guests can use Foodipto to instantly provide their feedback about your restaurant’s service, ambience and food among others. Hence, this is a prompt way of gaining social media mileage. Furthermore, the guests can also provide ratings and reviews for individual dishes on the menu. You are not required to buy one kind of Tablet only. Our solution is portable with different devices, and hence you can choose the one that suits your requirement and budget. Galleries and event section gives you the opportunity to promote your restaurant’s various activities right there in your guest’s hand which they can’t miss.

Feedbacks are very important for any restaurant. A proper feedback system plays a major role in the success of any restaurant. Foodipto helps you in get the real time feedback.